Breast Lift (Mastopexy) in Jupiter, FL

Eventually, gravity and aging can begin to have a profound effect on breasts. Often, breasts begin to appear deflated and saggy as you get older. Women who have gone through pregnancies and breastfeeding may develop droopiness and feel the effects of gravity much sooner. Many have restored firmness and buoyancy in their breasts by electing to have breast lift procedures with Kim Edward Koger, M.D., F.A.C.S. in Jupiter, FL. Dr. Koger has restored the youthful appearance of breasts of patients in Vero Beach, Wellington, and other communities in Palm Beach County.

Gravity, aging and pregnancy are not the only inevitable forces that can change the shape, size and the firmness of breasts. Significant weight loss can also leave behind sagging skin or cause skin to lose its natural elasticity. Some who have enjoyed all the other benefits of weight loss have found themselves seeking breast lifts to ensure their breasts easily complement the rest of their new look.

Over time, the breasts may also naturally lose shape and volume simply from a matter of aging. Women who want to address both the decreased size and sagging issues in breasts may choose to improve both issues with one procedure. In these cases, Dr. Koger inserts the implants while performing the breast lift. Patients emerge from these procedures satisfied with larger more uplifted breasts that have been repositioned for a more youthful look.

See Dr. Koger’s Before and After Photos of Breast Lifts

About the Breast Lift Procedure

The entire breast lift procedure may take anywhere from one to four hours. Dr. Koger will evaluate you and determine which type of breast lift is right for you. There are varying types of breast lifts designed to address the specific needs of each person.

  • Crescent Mastopexy

    A crescent moon shaped segment of skin is removed from just above the areola, (the darker skin around the nipple) which elevates it to a more youthful position. This technique can be used to elevate both areolas or just one breast to balance asymmetry. A crescent lift does not lift the breast itself, just the nipple/areola area.

  • Benelli Mastopexy

    A.k.a. “Donut Lift” A donut shaped segment of skin is removed from around the areola to reduce the size or diameter to a smaller more youthful size. This procedure is a limited incision breast lift and may not be appropriate for women with more prominent drooping.

  • Vertical Mastopexy

    A.k.a. “Lollipop Lift” If only a moderate amount of sagginess is present, a vertical lift usually provides the best results. This technique elevates the nipple area as well as reducing the excess skin over the lower half of the breast yielding a more perky youthful shape.

  • Wise Mastopexy

    A.k.a. “Anchor Lift” In patients with significant sagging Dr. Koger typically uses an anchor-shaped incision, which is the most common approach to breast lifts. The wise mastopexy reduces the areola size and raises it to a higher position, as well as greatly reducing the excess skin over the lower half of the breast. This results in a more uplifted, youthful looking breast.

  • With all types of breast lifts the required incisions are hidden and made as small as possible. Using the art of plastic surgery, Dr. Koger very precisely stitches the incisions closed in order to make the resulting thin surgical marks as inconspicuous as possible. All the precise suturing is below the surface of the skin and therefore no sutures have to be removed after surgery.

Benefits of the Breast Lift Procedure

Most women desire to have firmer, perkier and more youthful looking breasts. Breasts that are too saggy can increase clothing limitations and cause women to feel self-conscious in and out of clothes. Some benefits of a breast lift include increased self-esteem and comfort during activities and wearing bras.

Candidates for Breast Lift Surgery

Not everyone is an ideal candidate for a breast lift procedure. Eligibility is a personal assessment that should be performed by a board-certified plastic surgeon who will discuss all possibilities with you as a patient. Generally, those who are more likely to be ideal candidates have experienced these conditions:

  • Breasts that are deflated and sagging downwards
  • Nipples and areolas that droop below the crease in the breast
  • Breasts that are two different shapes or sizes

Some women experience one breast being larger than the other early in their adolescent development and their breasts never grow to be evenly sized. Sometimes, conditions like these are inherited, and a breast lift may be one of the best, viable options for improving the condition.

Although there is not a set specific age range for a breast lift procedure, it is recommended that patients be already beyond breast development age.

Planning Your Breast Lift Procedure

The first step is to schedule a consultation with Dr. Koger. He will discuss with you exactly what to expect, talk to you about your goals and address any concerns or questions you may have about the surgery. This consultation is a unique but crucial part of every patient’s process since in each case, the patient’s starting anatomy and desires are different.

Dr. Koger will examine you and make recommendations based on what is best for you, not what has worked for other patients. Each patient has different skin conditions, age and breast shape and size issues that may drive different approaches. In cases where women desire also to be fuller as well as uplifted, Dr. Koger will discuss the option to insert a breast implant during your lift procedure. Either way, Dr. Koger’s expertise will help you receive the best results for your body.

Preparing for Your Breast Lift Procedure

If you have a family history of breast cancer or other breast conditions, or if you need to be certain you are not currently facing a medical breast condition yourself, Dr. Koger may require a mammogram before you have the surgery. If the mammogram uncovers no issues that may affect the success of the procedure, Dr. Koger will instruct you on preparing for your breast lift procedure. This may include some guidelines for smoking, eating and drinking, as well as taking vitamins and current medications.

We will set up another appointment with you prior to surgery to discuss all of the surgical preparations once your surgery date is chosen.

You will be given a list of instructions on how to prepare for your breast lift. You will receive information regarding vitamin and medication use, as well as recommendations for how to handle such things as smoking, drinking, and eating.

After Your Breast Lift Procedure

After surgery, a gauze bandage will be in place over your breasts. This dressing will be left on for the first 24 hours from the time you get home from surgery. The next day, the bandages can be removed and daily showering resumed. No sports bra or compression bandage is worn, rather, Dr. Koger recommends a camisole or light tank top so that there is no pressure or irritation to the incisions.

For a couple of days after the procedure, you may experience soreness, swelling and bruising. This mild discomfort is well managed with mild pain medication and will ease after a couple of days.

You should not be alarmed if you experience some loss of feeling in your breast skin and nipples caused by swelling. This is a side effect that usually subsides over six weeks or so as the swelling goes down.

Normal daily activities can be resumed as soon as you feel able to do so. However physical activities such as working out or sports will be resumed after 4-6 weeks. During your follow up appointments, Dr Koger will guide you through the healing process as well as the management of surgical marks.

How Much Does Breast Lift Surgery Cost?

Breast lift surgery is a procedure that you will likely have to cover the cost for on your own. Because it is an elective cosmetic procedure, most insurance providers will not cover these costs. Koger Cosmetic Clinic and Medspa offers financing options via CareCredit® to make this procedure affordable. We also accept cash, personal checks, and major credit cards.

Breast lift patients in Vero Beach, Wellington, and other Palm Beach County areas have boosted their breasts and self-esteem by having this procedure. They rejuvenate their youthful figures by refining their breasts. Contact Kim Edward Koger, M.D., F.A.C.S. at the Koger Cosmetic Clinic and Medspa in Jupiter, FL for your initial consultation.